Formulated with PURE Fresh Mullein Leaves blend formula and Absolutely NO Junk! (No Filler, chemical, preservatives, dyes, etc) added. Our MULITTEA natural Mullein leaf capsules are made with carefully picked fresh mullein leaves from Hawaii and contains 1000 mg per serving.
Mullein & Key Benefits
Mullein leaves have been used for centuries to help support respiration. This versatile herb has a long history of traditional use for a wide range of respiratory disorders. Mullein is traditionally used for its ability to promote the discharge of mucus as well. So now at MULITTEA we are bringing back the nature’s best version of mullein.
Have Quality Sleep
We all need rest and a night of deep & restful sleep after a long day of work or activities. Our dietary capsule promotes calmness and relaxation that makes you fall asleep easily.
Mullein Herb works for lung function and wards off discomfort in breathing. It helps clear your airways, allowing you to breathe with ease and comfort and giving you mucus relief.
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